Curling Canada has accepted an invitation from The President of the Ladies Branch of the Royal Caledonian Curling Club for 24 Canadian women to participate in the 2020 Canadian Women’s Curling Friendship Tour to Scotland. The 65th Anniversary of this International three-week tour will take place Thursday, November 5th to Friday, November 27th, 2020.
The estimated cost of this tour is $6,000 per person. This amount will cover the cost of air travel, ground transportation, hotel accommodations, official uniform, and other associated costs. This amount may change with fluctuations in currency.
Representation from across the country will be a criterion used in the selection process as well as the applicant’s contribution to the sport of curling. Should additional selections be required to fulfill the team quota following the deadline date, the Tour Coordinator, appointed by the Curling Canada Board of Governors, reserves the right to fill positions regardless of candidate’s home location.
It is important to note that the curling on this trip will be extensive with a maximum of two eight-end games being played daily in Scottish curling clubs. The schedule will provide for “free time” for a little sightseeing and shopping along the tour. The Muriel Fage Trophy will be presented to the winning team at the end of the tour.
If you are interested, please read the following information. Applications must be submitted to CurlManitoba by September 15, 2019.