Board of Directors

CurlManitoba is governed by a Board of 10 Directors.  Each of these positions is a volunteer position. The composition of the Board is a minimum of three members representing the City of Winnipeg, a minimum of three representing rural Manitoba, and a minimum of one representing the Norman Sport region and 3 Members at Large.


Each Director is asked to serve a 3 year term, renewable twice with a total tenure of nine years.


CurlManitoba has 3 standing committee’s.  An Executive Committee, a Board Development Committee, and a Finance Committee. The Chair of Each of these Committees is required to be a member of the Board of Directors but other Committee members can consist of other persons as the Board may deem suitable and necessary.


From time to time, the Board may appoint such Committees as it deems appropriate and necessary for the promotion of the objectives of the Association.  Such Committees shall consist of members of the Board of Directors and/or such Members of the Association and/or other persons as the Board may deem suitable and necessary.  The Ad Hoc Committee that is in operation at the current time is the Affiliation Fee Committee.

Board Member Job Description

Interested in contributing a high level in the sport of curling?  For more information on the duties and responsibilities of a DIrector on the CurlManitoba Board please click here for a job description.

2024-2025 CurlManitoba Board of Directors

Name  Position  Club  Term  Contact
Lynn Fallis-Kurz President Fort Rouge 2025 [email protected]
Cam Hurst Board Member Morris  2025
Travis Bale Board Member East St. Paul CC  2024
Ian Fordyce  Board Member 2025   
Grant Brown  Board Member  Burntwood 2025
Paolo Aquila Board Member Pembina 2026
Keith Johnston
Board Member Fort Rouge 2026
Lisa Hale  Board Member  Dauphin  2026
Guiding Documents

CurlManitoba has always been a strong organization.  As the sport has evolved and the environment has changed, including recognition as an Olympic sport, the need for CurlManitoba to change, grow and evolve in our planning process has changed as well.  This update of the CurlManitoba Strategic Plan will help provide the organization and its stakeholders with a clear vision for the future and a guiding document that will allow us to reach our vision of being a leader in a premier winter sport.

This plan will:

  • Make us accountable to our members
  • Provide a framework for measuring our success and failures
  • Provide a transparent process for reporting
  • Provide a guideline for the allocation of resources (time, human and financial)

About Us

The Manitoba Curling Association operating as CurlManitoba is the provincial sport governing body for the sport of curling in Manitoba. We are a non-profit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors established to facilitate the promotion, development and growth of the sport of curling in Manitoba.  We are guided by our members, their expectations and the trust they place in us to act as stewards of the sport.

Our Mission, Vision and Values provide the mandate for the organization and are used as the guiding principles in helping us to develop our strategic plan.

Stakeholders-Curling Community

CurlManitoba is a collaborative organization in a curling community with multiple stakeholders.  We encourage and require the input of all of these stakeholders to assist us in achieving our vision.  Their support is vital to our long-term success and survival. Each of these stakeholders will have a different role to play in the decisions and actions of CurlManitoba. Stakeholders could expect to have input on the decisions we make, they expect to be informed about the decisions we make and they may expect to be involved in the decision making process.

Strategic Areas

To guide and prioritize our actions and decisions CurlManitoba has defined three strategic areas. These draw on the Canadian Sport Policy and the 4 Pillars of Capacity, Interaction, Participation and Excellence.  The strategic direction and priorities for CurlManitoba were established through extensive consultation with stakeholders and the curling community (surveys, regional meetings, town hall session, Board planning sessions facilitated by StrategyMakers Consulting Inc.) and will serve as the basis of planning for the next 3-5 years.

Strategic Priority — Grow Participation

  • Goal: Increase overall participation with a focus on youth.

Strategic Priority — Improve Skills & Performance

  • Goal: To maintain and build on Manitoba’s well-earned reputation as a standard-setting centre of curling excellence at all levels of participation and competition.

Strategic Priority — Build Curling Club Capacity

  • Goal: To help local curling organizations to best position themselves for ongoing sustainability, effective program delivery and future growth.

Strategic Priority — Enhance Communication with all Stakeholders

  • Goal: To continue to build CurlManitoba’s program/service development and delivery capacity and strengthen stakeholder relationships.

Click here for a copy of the CurlManitoba Strategic Plan.

Click here for a copy of our Constitution.




The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Vice-President, the Chair of the Finance Committee and the Chair of the Board Development Committee.


This is a standing committee of the board.


The members will serve as long as they hold the position assigned to the committee.


The President will be the Chair of the Executive Committee.


The Executive Committee recommends the hiring, supports and evaluates the Executive Director.

The Executive Committee recommends compensation policies to the Board of Directors.

The Executive Committee provides input and makes policy recommendations to the Board concerning the non-arm’s length organizations owned by Curl Manitoba.

The Executive Committee recommends the appointment of representatives to arm’s-length organizations when requested.

The Executive Committee recommends appointments of persons to positions outside of the CurlManitoba when requested.

The Executive Committee recommends officers of CurlManitoba to the Board for election.

The Executive Committee recommends the appointment of committee chairs.


Non-arm’s length organizations:  These are organizations owned by Curl Manitoba such as the Manitoba Curling Hall of Fame and the Manitoba Curling Foundation.


  1. The Executive Committee is responsible for recommending the hiring of the Executive Director, reporting to the Board of Directors at predetermined points in the process.
  2. The Executive Committee is responsible to support the Executive Director in his/her role.
  3. The Executive Committee is responsible for ensuring an annual evaluation of the Executive Director is conducted and reporting on this audit to the Board of Directors.
  4. The Executive Committee prepares the quarterly report on the Strategic Plan and presents it to the Board.
  5. The Executive Committee liaises with the non-arm’s length organizations with respect to the constitutional changes for those organizations.
  6. The Executive Committee formulates Curl Manitoba policies pertaining to the non-arm’s length organizations and recommends them to the Board of Directors.
  7. The Executive Committee reviews all requests from arm’s-length organizations for representatives to their committees and Boards and recommends these appointments to the Board of Directors.
  8. The Executive Committee annually recommends to the Board of Directors the persons for appointment to the Screening Committee as required by the Volunteer Screening Policy.
  9. The Executive Committee recommends to the Board of Directors the person to be appointed as Case Manager in issues of complaints and appeals.
  10. The Executive Committee, with input from the Board Development Committee, recommends the appointment of committee chairs to the Board of Directors.
  11. The Executive Committee meets at the call of the Chair a minimum of 4 times per year
  12. The Executive Committee, with input from the Board Development Committee, recommends officers for election to the Board of Directors.
  13. The Executive Committee annually prepares a workplan for the upcoming year and provides a written report on that workplan to the Board of Directors at each of their meetings.
  14. The Executive Committee communicates its activities to the Board of Directors through its chair.



The committee shall consist of a minimum of 5 members, two (2) of whom shall be Board members.


Quorum shall be the majority of the members of the Committee.


This is a standing committee of the Board of CurlManitoba.


Each committee member shall serve a two year term and may be reappointed for a second two year term. At the end of four consecutive years the committee member must wait two years until he/she may be appointed again.


The Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee is a member of the Board of Directors and is appointed by the Board of Directors of CurlManitoba.


The Finance and Audit Committee is responsible for financial reporting, the budget and internal controls and processes.  The Committee will review, make recommendations and monitor the implementation of the recommendations and results.

The Finance and Audit Committee’s role is that of overseer in order to ensure management processes are in place and functioning so as to identify and minimize risks to the business operation.


Financial Reporting – The specific financial reporting responsibilities of the Committee are carried out through a combination of the following:

  • to make recommendations to the Board on the appointment of the external auditor and their fee;
  • to meet with the external auditor to discuss the following matters:
  • to oversee the scope of the examination as agreed to by both parties in the engagement letter;
  • to discuss the financial statements and auditor’s report;
  • such other matters as may be required or desirable;
  • to review the Management Report and make recommendations to address deficiencies
  • to review the audited annual financial statements of the organization and recommend their approval to the Board;
  • to review the accounting policies and the suitability of policy changes for approval by the Board,
  • to ensure that there is a good working relationship between Management and the Auditors,
  • to review the annual administrative budget with Management; and
  • to recommend financial implications of all strategic planning.
  • to receive, review and recommend monthly internal statements to the Board
  • to receive, review and recommend quarterly balance sheet statements to the Board

Budget – To work with Management to develop a budget for Board approval:

  • to review operating and capital budgets prepared by Management
  • to review Management’s business plan

Internal Controls and Processes – To ensure that appropriate internal controls and processes are in place;

  • to review Management’s assessment of risk in the various operations of the organization;
  • to review reports flowing from audit reviews to assess the effectiveness of control systems;
  • to review any significant audit findings and Management’s action plans related to them;
  • to review the management letter from the external auditors on internal control matters encountered during their audits and responses from Management.


  • to prepare a work plan for the upcoming year annually and regularly report on that work plan to the Board of Directors
  • to meet at the call of the Chair or at least bi-monthly
  • to report to the Board of Directors of CurlManitoba through the Chair. Additional information may be communicated to the Board of Directors by e-mail or fax when appropriate
  • to document all meetings with minutes circulated and preserved



The committee shall consist of 5 members, with a minimum of two Board Members and a minimum of two non-Board members.


This is a standing committee of the Board of CurlManitoba.


 Each committee member shall serve a two year term and may be reappointed for a second two year term. At the end of four consecutive years the committee member must wait two years until he/she may be appointed again.


The Chair of the Board Development Committee is a member of the Board of Directors and is appointed by the Board of Directors of CurlManitoba.


The Board Development Committee serves as the ‘conscience of the board’ and examines how well the board is fulfilling it responsibilities.

The Board Development Committee recruits and oversees the development of the Board of Directors and other volunteers and ensures the board processes and structures are effective.


  • Develop board member position descriptions and committee terms of reference
  • Develop volunteer position descriptions
  • Create a profile of assessment of skills and expertise required at the Board level and to ensure adequate representation from various segments of the community
  • Identify potential board members and maintain information about each candidate
  • Recruit new members through the nomination process (or through a personal ask)
  • Recommend committee members for appointment by the Board
  • Observe potential leaders and evaluate board members’ eligibility for re-election
  • Annually lead an assessment of the officers and committee chairs
  • With the Board President, maintain Directors’ commitment and participation in governance duties
  • Orientate new Directors
  • Provide ongoing relevant board development education for Directors
  • Establish an effective communications network to keep Directors informed and connected
  • Annually lead a board self-assessment and develop recommendations for self-improvement
  • Perform an annual review of Board and committee structure to deliver on strategic directives
  • Assist Board committees with recruitment of members and volunteers
  • Recommend constitution, bylaw and governance policy changes
  • Develop and implement a volunteer management program and policies
  • Prepares a work plan for the upcoming year annually and regularly reports on that work plan to the Board of Directors.
  • Meet at the call of the Chair a minimum of 4 times per year
  • Report to the Board of Directors of CurlManitoba through the Chair Additional information may be communicated to the Board of Directors by e-mail or fax when appropriate

All meetings shall be documented with minutes circulated and preserved



The Competition Committee shall consist of 4 to 8 members of CurlManitoba. The Committee shall be composed of, when reasonably possible:

  1. the Event/Development Manager;
  2. the Event/Development Coordinators;
  3. athlete representative’s (3-4), representative of CurlManitoba’s athletes (gender, geographic, and age)
  4. coach, representative of CurlManitoba’s athletes (gender, geographic, and age)
  5. the Executive Director (ex-officio);
  6. a member of the Board, if one is appointed by the Board;
  7. staff persons who may be assigned by the Executive Director to support the activities of the Events Committee (ex-officio);
  8. such other members as the Executive Director in consultation with the Committee Chairperson may determine are beneficial to the function of the Committee;


This is a standing operational committee.


The members will serve a maximum of two three-year terms.


The Event/Development Coordinators will be the Chairs of the Competition Committee.


The purpose of this Committee is assist in the planning and operation of CurlManitoba’s competitions.


  1. assisting in the development of strategic (ie, long-term) direction and plans for CurlManitoba’s competitions
  2. contributing to an annual competition evaluation to confirm that objectives are being met and are achieving the desired results
  3. facilitating communication, cooperation and coordination between the different levels (i.e.: CurlManitoba, Clubs and Curlers)
  4. as required, recruiting and organizing volunteers to assist in the development and implementation of competition related initiatives and projects
  5. providing input and making recommendations into competition rules
  6. providing input and making recommendations regarding competition related details such as entry fee, deadlines, number of teams, draw formats etc
  7. providing input and making recommendations regarding CurlManitoba’s competition schedule
  8. assisting with competition planning as required by the Event Manager
  9. to follow the policies and procedures as established by the Board and Staff of CurlManitoba including but not limited to Finance, Conflict of Interest and Code of Conduct
  10. the Committee will have the authority to establish sub committees
  11. to annually review the terms of reference of the committee and make recommendations.


At the call of the Chair via teleconference or in person if budget and agenda warrant. Minimum of 2 meetings per year.


The Committee shall endeavour to make decisions by consensus.  In case of disagreement, committee members shall cast votes.  The Committee Chairperson shall cast a vote in the case of a tie vote among the other Committee Members.


The Committee Chairperson reports and is accountable directly to the Executive Director for the effective operation of the Committee and for all Committee decisions.  The Executive Director, in turn, is accountable to the Board for the operation of Events within Board policies.



The Rules Committee shall consist of the Event/Development Manager, Event/Development Coordinators, one member of the Board of Directors, two active CurlManitoba Officials and up to three additional representatives.


 This is a standing operational committee.


The members will serve a maximum of two three-year terms.


The Event/Development Manager will be the Chair of the Rules Committee.


The purpose of this Committee is to ensure that the playing rules of curling are reviewed regularly, distributed provincially and is used to help foster the development of curling.  This is to review policy the playing rules of as they apply to CurlManitoba events.


 For the purpose of this Committee the following definitions will be in place:

“Rule Book” – The Official Playing Rules, published by CurlManitoba in accordance with this policy;


  1. The Rules Committee is responsible for reviewing the CurlManitoba Rule Book Annually and making recommendations for change any rules, policies or procedures as they may affect competition
  2. The Rules Committee is responsible for reviewing proposed rule changes brought forward by CurlManitoba stakeholders
  3. The Rules Committee is responsible for implementing and reviewing a rules review process.
  4. The Rules Committee liaises with CurlManitoba stakeholders with respect to the rule changes for those affected stakeholders.
  5. The Rules Committee communicates its activities to the Executive Director through its Chair.
  6. To draft and submit to the Canadian Curling Association any suggested changes/amendments to the General Rules of Curling and or Special Rules as they may apply to National and International events.
  7. The Executive Director and Chair shall present rules changes annually to the Board of Directors for ratification.
  8. The Rules Committee shall meet annually and minutes of the meeting shall be recorded.



The Draw Committee shall consist of the Event/Development Manager, Event/Developement Coordinators, one member of the Board of Directors and a minimum of two additional representatives.


This is a standing operational committee.


The members will serve a maximum of two three-year terms.


The Event/Development Manager will be the Chair of the Draw Committee unless otherwise determined by Executive Director.


The purpose of this Committee is to ensure that draw parameters are set and available. The committee will receive recommendations from the Rules Committee, Competition Committee and other stakeholders to set the parameters.

Seeding will be reviewed annually.

Draw for CurlManitoba Open Entry events will be reviewed.

CurlManitoba event draws for Berth Bonspiels and Regional Qualifiers will follow the parameters set out by the committee. The committee will review draws throughout the season that may be cause for concern.


For the purpose of this Committee the following definitions will be in place:

“Draws” – All event draws provided by CurlManitoba for Regional Qualifiers and Berth Bonspiels.


  1. The Draw Committee is responsible for reviewing the CurlManitoba season’s draws annually and making recommendations.
  2. The Draw Committee is responsible for reviewing proposed changes brought forward by CurlManitoba stakeholders
  3. The Draw Committee communicates its activities to the Executive Director through its Chair.
  4. The Executive Director and Chair shall present the draw changes annually to the Board of Directors for ratification.
  5. The Draw Committee shall meet annually and minutes of the meeting shall be recorded.
  6. The Draw Committee members shall review draws emailed to them throughout the season and provide feedback in a timely manner.

If you are interested in volunteering for the Competition, Rules or Draw committees, please contact Elaine Owen at [email protected]