CurlManitoba sends out an e-newsletter (twice monthly during the season and monthly in the off season) to help keep curlers, coaches, clubs and fans (past, present and future) informed about programs, services and events happening within CurlManitoba. Our newsletter includes links to articles about various curling related items that may interest you.

To provide feedback on the e-newsletter please e-mail us us at [email protected] and let us know what you think. Our newsletter is ever evolving, designed to meet the needs of curlers and clubs and fans. Your privacy is very important to CurlManitoba. Our database will store your e-mail address only. The information collected is only accessible to CurlManitoba. Information will never be shared.

If you have an event or story you would like to share, please email us at [email protected]

Thank you for your interest and continued support, we hope you find this an interesting and valuable resource.


Sign-up to receive our newsletter below

Click here to sign up for CurlManitoba’s Newsletter

Click here for CurlManitoba’s archived Newsletters