2024-2025 Competitor Guide

2024-25 CurlManitoba Rules Supplement  

2024-25 CurlManitoba Rule Changes

2024-25 Cresting Policy

2024-25 Draw Parameters 

2024-25 Age Eligibility

2024-25 Curling Club Eligibility  

CURLING CANADA RULE BOOK (for general play)

Rules Committee

If you have a rule change that you would like to be implemented please click on the following link to download a copy of the rules submission form.

All proposed rules changes are reviewed by the CurlManitoba Rules Committee.

CurlManitoba rules are reviewed each year by the CurlManitoba Rules Committee. The Rules Committee is an operational Committee of CurlManitoba.

Competition Committee

CurlManitoba competitions are reviewed each year by the CurlManitoba Competition Committee.  The Competition Committee is an operational committee of CurlManitoba.

Questions about the competition committee or interest in joining the committee please contact Elaine Owen at [email protected]