CurlManitoba is hosting the Strathcona Trust Senior Men’s Provincial Championship and the Liberty Tax Senior Women’s Provincial Championship from February 20-25, 2019 at the Rivers and Minnedosa Curling Clubs. There are 16 men’s teams and eight women’s teams competing for the right to represent Manitoba at the 2019 Everest Canadian Senior Curling Championships being held March 22-28, 2019 in Chilliwack, BC.
The top five seeds for the men are:
1) Randy Neufeld
2) Dave Boehmer
3) Kelly Robertson
4) Richard Muntain
5) Dean Dunstone
The top three seeds for the women are:
1) Terry Ursel
2) Laurie Deprez
3) Sandra Cowling
Below are the direct links for up to date linescores:
Senior Men –!/competitions/4460
Senior Women –!/competitions/3980
For more information on the Strathcona Trust Senior Men’s Provincial and Liberty Tax Senior Women’s Provincial, please contact Laurie Macdonell at