Joelle Brown-Charleswood and former champion Dave Boehmer-Petersfield have won the Pharmasave Senior Women’s and Strathcona Trust Senior Men’s curling championships in Dauphin.
Joelle Brown (Maureen Bonar, Natalie Claude, Allyson Bell, fifth Deb McCreanor) earned a berth to the final after finishing 6-1 in the round robin. Defending champion Terry Ursel (Wanda Rainka, Nadine Ralph, Tracy Igonia, fifth Chris Hamblin and coach Lorne Hamblin) defeated Norma Purdy (Lori Pelissier, Patti Ulrich, Brenda Michel, fifth Marla Boyd) 8-1 in the morning’s semi-final. In the final, Brown defeated Ursel 5-3.
Neufeld (Dean Moxham, Peter Nicholls, Dale Michie) finished the round robin finished the round robin at 6W-1L and defeated Dave Boehmer in the page 1-1 playoff game to advance to the final. Dave Boehmer (Dale Lott, Sean Bracken, George Hacking, fifth Scott Szydlik) defeated Richard Muntain in the semi-final 8-6 on Monday morning. In the final game, Boehmer stole points in the 6th, 7th and 8th ends to secure their victory (final was 6-5).
Both teams will represent Manitoba at the Everest Senior Championships Dec 4-10, 2023 in Vernon, BC.