The Manitoba Curling Hall of Fame & Museum has announced its 2025 Inductee Class, a group
which includes a dedicated curling volunteer, three accomplished athletes and three champion
The announcement, made Tuesday evening, February 4th, at CurlManitoba’s Reunion of
Champions Opening Banquet at the 2025 Viterra Championship, includes the rare fatherdaughter induction of Ron Westcott and his daughter Raunora.
Curlers Raunora Westcott, Dan Carey, and Dawn McEwen will be joined by Builder Darren
Oryniak, as well as the champion teams of Ron Westcott (Canadian Masters (2015), Randy
Neufeld (Canadian Seniors 2015), and the dominant Mike McEwen team of 2008 to 2018 which
won Manitoba titles in 2016 & 2017.
The formal induction ceremony will take place at Winnipeg’s Victoria Inn on Saturday, May 3,
2025. Ticket information is currently being finalized. Those interested in attending, to support a
specific inductee OR to celebrate the end of another great curling season and some of the
greats in the game, are invited to contact the committee at mbcurlmuseum@gmail.com.
Media are invited to contact MCHoF&M President Peter Nicholls (204-391-5041) for more
information and for inductee contact information.
BUILDER: Darren Oryniak
♦ Curling Canada Governor (2020-2024)
♦ CurlManitoba Director (2014-2020), President (2018-19 & 2019-20)
♦ Coach/Instructor, Certified NCCP Level III (beginning 2008)
♦ Vice-Chair (Facilities) 2013 Roar of the Rings
CURLER: Dan Carey
♦ Manitoba and Canadian Men’s Champion (1992)
♦ World Championship Semi-finalist (1992)
♦ Manitoba Men’s Champion (1993 & 1997)
** Previously inducted into the Manitoba Curling Hall of Fame in 2005 as a member of
the Vic Peters 1992 & 1993 team.
CURLER: Dawn McEwen
♦ Olympic Gold Medalist (2014)
♦ World Champion (2008 & 2018)
♦ Canadian Women’s Champion (2008, 2009, 2010, 2015 & 2018)
♦ Manitoba Women’s Champion (2008, 2012, 2013, 2015 & 2018)
** Previously inducted in to the Manitoba Curling Hall of Fame as a member of the 2014
Olympic Gold Medal Jennifer Jones team
CURLER: Raunora Westcott
♦ Manitoba Junior Women’s Champion (1996)
♦ Manitoba Women’s Champion (2010, 2011 & 2017)
♦ Canadian Women’s Finalist (2017)
TEAM: Mike McEwen – BJ Neufeld – Matt Wozniak – Denni Neufeld – Coach Chris Neufeld
(Fort Rouge CC)
♦ 11 consecutive years Manitoba Men’s Championship final four, 10 consecutive years
CTRS top-7 ranking, CTRS #1 (2014-15)
♦ Eight Manitoba Men’s final game appearances
♦ Manitoba Men’s Champion (2016 & 2017), Canadian Men’s Bronze Medallist (2017)
♦ Winner of seven Grand Slam events
** Coach Neufeld was previously inducted as a curler in 2020 and with the Vic Peters
1992 Canadian Champion team in 2005
TEAM: Randy Neufeld – Dean Moxham – Peter Nicholls – Dale Michie (LaSalle CC)
♦ Five-time Manitoba Senior Men’s Champions (2015, 2016, 2021, 2022, 2024
♦ Canadian Senior Men’s Champion – 2015
♦ World Senior Men’s Silver Medalist – 2016
♦ Canadian Senior Men’s Finalist – 2016
** Nicholls was previously inducted into the Manitoba Curling Hall of Fame as a Curler.
TEAM: Ron Westcott – Ken Dusablon – Bob Boughey – Howard Restall (Fort Rouge CC)
♦ Manitoba and Canadian Masters Champions – 2015
♦ Undefeated at the 2015 Canadian Championship
** Westcott and Boughey were previously inducted into the Manitoba Curling Hall of
Fame – Boughey as a Curler-Builder in 2014, Westcott as a Curler in 2016.