Click here for list of current HLM’s
History: CurlManitoba has been recognizing individuals for their contributions to the game of curling in our province since 1907. Since that time nearly 700 individuals have been recognized by CurlManitoba, former MCA and MLCA with Honourary Life Memberships.
What is it? CurlManitoba annually recognizes a maximum of four individuals who have provided volunteer service to the game of curling in the Province on behalf of the CurlManitoba. This service must have taken place over a significant period of time.
Examples of long service can include:
– regional chairman
– involvement in the Development program which can include the summer curling camps
– long time member of the officiating program
– long time member of CurlManitoba or the former MCA and MLCA Board of Directors
– long time member of a committee that operates at arms length to CurlManitoba, including the Manitoba Curling Hall of Fame & Museum, Manitoba Curling Foundation, Westman Curling Foundation.
– long time member of the CurlManitoba Ice Technician program
– other volunteer efforts on behalf of CurlManitoba or the MCA or MLCA.
Note: Recognition does not include on ice curling achievements or work done by individuals in their home club. In addition no posthumous nominations are accepted.
What An HLM Receives: Those who have been awarded an Honorary Life Membership will receive a framed certificate, a label pin, a name bar and a Honourary Life Member medal. The presentations are usually made at the CurlManitoba Annual General Meeting Alternative timing and venue may be proposed. The individual will be featured on the CurlManitoba website and will be included in a permanent HLM listing on the website. A Life Members reception-dinner, usually held in the fourth calendar quarter of the year, provides an opportunity to welcome the new Life Members into the fellowship of this select group of curling volunteers.
How to Nominate: An individual may be nominated by their curling club or any individual who can provide in letter form a detailed listing of the nominee’s long service that makes the individual worthy of this honour. Nominations should be submitted to the CurlManitoba office at
145 Pacific Ave, Winnipeg. R3B 2Z6 or by email to [email protected] no later than March 15 of each year.
Nomination Review: At least 90 days prior to the AGM, the CurlManitoba President (or the Awards Committee Chair on behalf of the President) will convene a meeting of the HLM Nominating Committee where all nominations will be reviewed. The President will then take the nomination report to a Meeting of the CurlManitoba Board of Directors for ratification, after which the CurlManitoba President will contact the successful nominees. Letter applications will remain on file for a minimum of 3 years.
The 2017 CurlManitoba Honorary Life Members are as follows:
Wendell Keeler (Portage CC)
Catherine Moffat (Brandon CC)
Al Friesen (Altona CC)
Rita VandeVyvre (Heather CC)
The 2016 CurlManitoba Honorary Life Members are as follows:
Sam Antila (Burntwood CC)
Kim Warburton (Fort Rouge CC)
Russ Hinds (Charleswood CC)
The 2015 CurlManitoba Honorary Life Members are as follows:
John Graham – Safeway/Sobeys (presented at Safeway Championship in Brandon)
Hilda Towerzey (Piper)
Paul Wiecek (Winnipeg Free Press)
Rob Van Kommer (Carberry CC)
The 2014 CurlManitoba Honorary Life Members are as follows:
Sharon Thiessen-Woods (Heather CC) & Jim Winfield (Grandview CC)
Anni Markman (Ste Anne CC) — Photo & Bio Missing