Due to the public health risks associated with COVID-19, CurlManitoba is suspending all programs and events.
Postponement of league play is ultimately a club/league decision and should be considered by each club based upon the unique nature of each club’s membership. We encourage all clubs to work with their municipality and local health authorities to determine the best course of action in your area to protect the health of your members, staff, volunteers, and renters.
Safety of all is at the forefront. Public health officials have advised all Manitobans to (1) cancel or postpone any large-scale events; (2) minimizing prolonged (more than 10 minutes), close (less than two metres) contact between individuals in public; and (3) avoid all non-essential crowded places and events. On this basis, CurlManitoba recommends that all clubs in Manitoba suspend play and close facilities to the public; however please work with your municipality and local health authority.
Let’s work together to flatten the curve.